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About The Artist

London-born contemporary artist Venessa K Parker is a testament to the transformative power of creativity. Her remarkable journey into the world of art began as a flame ignited by her father's graphic design work. Venessa's passion for artistic expression propelled her to study Fine Art and culminated in a combined degree in Digital Print Design with Marketing.


However, Venessa's artistic achievements only scratch the surface of her profound narrative. Her life has been woven with challenges. These pivotal moments served as catalysts for her re-exploration of the human spirit through the prism of art.

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Venessa employs a diverse palette, using acrylics, watercolours, collage, and digital media to convey emotions, the female form, cultural identity, and the natural world.


Art serves as Venessa's therapeutic refuge, allowing her to channel emotions and find solace in the creative process. Sharing her art marks a pivotal moment in her journey, inviting others to join her in exploring life, identity, and resilience through the lens of a gifted contemporary artist.


Her work has been featured in the Holy Art Gallery, London; the New Designers Show at the Business Design Centre, London; the Truman Brewery and Women's Art United Magazine. Venessa was also chosen as a finalist for a Women in Art Prize in 2023.

About: Bio
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